Principal Speaks

We, the Patrician Brothers believe that the Value Based Education is a powerful and positive force that shapes the lives of future citizens. Each student leaving the portals of this school has left as a better individual, armed with the right ideals and beliefs. This indeed is a reflection of the all-embracing philosophy of integral education, which is followed by the school in its pursuit of excellence. Our dream is to produce not brilliant but living souls, young men and women of honour, character and substance.
For Patricians Victory is not an accident; it is a success of teamwork and dedicated efforts of teachers, students and parents. In this academic year also our proud Patricians won many laurels for their Alma matter in academics, cultural, Sports and Games. We achieved cent-percent success in ICSE & ISC Examinations. We believe and recognize that without the support and co-operation of the parents, our efforts to impart a value-based education is impossible in today’s world.
We live in a world of great advancement and change. It is not comfortable to live by past glory. There is no doubt that in order to continue to improve performances and build capacity, and to manage change in an environment our schools should prepare the students to face the challenges courageously by providing more value-based education integrated with the Psycho-spiritual dimension. A child is created in the image and likeness of his/her creator. To create the awareness in the minds of the children about their creator and their response to love Him and serve Him through their brothers and sisters, every morning Theme based Assemblies being conducted in the School Auditorium.
We recognize that a sound mind in a sound body cannot be developed and nurtured without proper infrastructure and training. Every Saturday club activities like Musical Instrument, Vocal Music, Skating, Karate, Yoga, Dance, Art & Calligraphy, Abacus, Brass Band etc. are conducted under the guidance of qualified and efficient teachers.
We believe in grooming students not just for careers but for life. It strives to instill in each child the right attitude so that he/she is sensitive to the deprived and helps the fallen, the less fortunate. The emphasis is on awakening an enlightened sensitivity in the child to the higher values of life rather than on mechanical adaptation to the social machinery. For it is only an enlightened soul who will bring to whatever he does the right values and the right culture.
So every Patrician is reminded that he/she has received many gifts and talents from God and it is to be shared with their needy Brothers and Sisters. Through the Outreach program many charitable works have been carried out with the contribution made by the students. The activities carried out are construction of house, Educational Aid, Marriage Help, Medical Support, contribution to the Pain & Palliative Care, help to the differently challenged people.
Present day communication system especially electronic media plays a great role in the development of a School Society. Taking into account the advantages which can create a better relationship between the school and the Parents we have created this website for our school. I believe that through this we can have a healthy and constructive relationship between the Parents, Teachers, Students, and the Management.
I thank all the parents and well wishers for their cooperation and steadfast Faith & confidence in the growth of SPS
Rev. Bro. A.J. George
St. Patricks Hr. Sec. School